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Data Science: The Complete Python Developer Course
Section 1 Welcome
Lecture 1 Welcome (2:23)
Lecture 2 Basic Syntax and Block Structure (11:56)
Lecture 3 Built-in Data Structures and Comprehensions (8:50)
Lecture 4 First-Class Functions and Classes (5:44)
Lecture 5 Extensive Standard Library (5:42)
Lecture 6 Python 3.x (5:58)
Section 2 Setting Up
Lecture 7 Downloading and Installing Python (5:05)
Lecture 8 Using the Command-Line and the Interactive Shell (4:03)
Lecture 9 Installing Packages with pip (3:06)
Lecture 10 Finding Packages in the Python Package Index (4:18)
Section 3 Making a Package
Lecture 11 Creating an Empty Package (5:38)
Lecture 12 Adding Modules to the Package (5:24)
Lecture 13 Importing One of the Package's Modules from Another (5:22)
Lecture 14 Adding Static Data Files to the Package (2:44)
Section 4 Basic Best Practices
Lecture 15 PEP 8 and Writing Readable Code (7:38)
Lecture 16 Using Version Control (4:40)
Lecture 17 Using venv to Create a Stable and Isolated Work Area (4:31)
Lecture 18 PEP 257 and docutils (7:50)
Lecture 19 doctest (3:57)
Section 5 Making a Command-Line Utility
Lecture 20 Making a Package Executable via python -m (5:42)
Lecture 21 Handling Command-Line Arguments with argparse (6:17)
Lecture 22 Interacting with the User (4:30)
Lecture 23 Executing Other Programs with Subprocess (8:58)
Lecture 24 Using Shell Scripts or Batch Files to Run Our Programs (2:53)
Section 6 Parallel Processing
Lecture 25 Using concurrent.futures (13:42)
Lecture 26 Using Multiprocessing (11:12)
Section 7 Coroutines and Asynchronous IO
Lecture 27 Understanding Why This Isn't Like Parallel Processing (7:38)
Lecture 28 Using the asyncio Event Loop and Coroutine Scheduler (6:45)
Lecture 29 Waiting for Data to Become Available (3:19)
Lecture 30 Synchronizing Multiple Tasks (6:08)
Lecture 31 Communicating Across the Network (3:36)
Section 8 Metaprogramming
Lecture 32 Using Function Decorators (6:39)
Lecture 33 Function Annotations (7:03)
Lecture 34 Class Decorators (5:46)
Lecture 35 Metaclasses (5:28)
Lecture 36 Context Managers (5:47)
Lecture 37 Descriptors (5:29)
Section 9 Unit Testing
Lecture 38 Understanding the Principles of Unit Testing (5:03)
Lecture 39 Using the unittest Package (7:21)
Lecture 40 Using unittest.mock (6:07)
Lecture 41 Using unittest's Test Discovery (4:19)
Lecture 42 Using Nose for Unified Test Discover and Reporting (3:33)
Section 10 Reactive Programming
Lecture 43 What Does Reactive Programming Mean (2:49)
Lecture 44 Building a Simple Reactive Programming Framework (7:15)
Lecture 45 Using the Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY) (10:11)
Section 11 Microservices
Lecture 46 Microservices and the Advantages of Process Isolation (4:04)
Lecture 47 Building a High-Level Microservice with Flask (9:48)
Lecture 48 Building a Low-Level Microservice with nameko (6:26)
Section 12 Outro
Lecture 49 Advantages and Disadvantages of Compiled Code (4:43)
Lecture 50 Accessing a Dynamic Library Using ctypes (7:53)
Lecture 51 Interfacing with C Code Using Cython (12:18)
Working Files
Working Files
Lecture 33 Function Annotations
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